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Questions tagged [deleted-questions]

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How can I get my question answered instead of being autodeleted?

This is a followup question to this older question about my question. At first being way too broad, the question was promptly closed as opinion-based/needs more focus. After quite some time of editing ...
CPlus's user avatar
  • 1,189
0 votes
1 answer

How to improve my question "Structure of enterprise application with interchangeable technology interface underlying in C# with DDD approach"

I think this site is about design and best proactive in software engineering as you can see in and question must be good question as you can ...
sorosh_sabz's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Will removing link to author's own research paper be enough to make this question not spam?

This question is an extension of another meta post: Why were all of my points stripped on the basis of asking this question?. The original question was marked as spam, and deleted. The meta question ...
Greg Burghardt's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Is my question, about TypeScript and learning difficulties off-topic because I suggest supporting claims with evidence?

I asked and defined what I though were objective criteria, and hoped to leverage the site's expertise in a software engineering topic (I ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Question deleted even though there are similar questions on the site

I fond similar questions on the site, so decided it was the right place to ask it here. I have provided those questions in the comments. And the question was not just closed, it was deleted by a ...
ZygD's user avatar
  • 101
0 votes
1 answer

Can we *please* stop with the wanton deletions

Really, is this question detrimental to SE? Should it be wiped out? Closing as "opinion-based" wasn't enough? (I didn't ask for opinions. I asked for arguments, pros and cons. How else is anyone ...
Dan Dascalescu's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What's wrong about this question?

I have a question about my Software Engineering Stack Exchange post: Why (lots of) developers prefer whitespacing everywhere? The question is about coding-style, I confirmed that I've asked the ...
a_a's user avatar
  • 101
-1 votes
1 answer

Why was this question directly closed as primarily opinion based and directly removed? [duplicate]

I have recently asked Is there a short term to describe long technical terms abbreviations? which is related to software development terms such as i18n. I have quickly got an answer that pointed to ...
Alexei's user avatar
  • 452
-3 votes
2 answers

Why the question got deleted?

I have a question about my Software Engineering Stack Exchange post: OAuth2 separate Authorization Validation Server trust Why the question got deleted? And why no reason was specified/can be ...
Anton Pryamostanov's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Questions linked by meta questions shouldn't be permanently deleted

I recently asked a question about terminology/'is there a name for this' that was promptly deleted. So then I looked on the software engineering meta to see 'are questions about terminology on topic?...
dwjohnston's user avatar
  • 2,677
1 vote
1 answer

What happened to this question

I came across this question yesterday: I spend more time thinking about implementation rather than actually writing code. It had a great success. Lots of views and votes and was even featured on SE ...
Michaël Polla's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

The very first question if deleted cannot be retrieved until 2nd question is added

I have noticed one issue that very first question if deleted cannot be retrieved. The steps were: I asked 1 question today, which was down-voted. I realized that it should have not been asked in ...
MKR's user avatar
  • 101
-1 votes
1 answer

What's so terrible about this naming question?

What's the name of the antipattern opposite to “reinventing the wheel”? [on hold] Many people tried suggestions of various derivatives - consequences, special cases, but none for the thing provided, ...
SF.'s user avatar
  • 5,176
1 vote
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Question got closed citing that it requests for "customer support"

Yesterday I asked this Qn: But some fellow members felt that, it belongs to below category: Why we're not customer support for [your ...
iammilind's user avatar
  • 2,232
-6 votes
1 answer

Why was my question so quickly deleted by a moderator?

I asked a question and it was deleted WITHOUT any polite explanation, by Thomas Owens: I want to learn Symfony but I think, learning Symfony as a first framework is a TITANIC task for someone who ...
user256083's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

My book-recommendation question on very specific topic was deleted

This is my deleted question. From this meta question I conclude that it's acceptable to ask for course/book recommendations on specialized topics: Are book recommendations on-topic? So, can I do ...
modular's user avatar
  • 101
1 vote
1 answer

Delete/unlock the [job-definition] questions locked by merges

Pretty much everything in this tag needs deletion, but there are two old "merges" that make some of the questions impossible for the community to delete, namely: https://softwareengineering....
Ixrec's user avatar
  • 27.7k
7 votes
3 answers

The "Professional Engineers" question has 2/3 reopen votes AND 3/4 delete votes; what's going on here?

Can Software Engineers become certified Professional Engineers (PE)? This question was closed by the community as off-topic career advice back in June 2014. It has not received any edits aside from ...
Ixrec's user avatar
  • 27.7k
13 votes
3 answers

Why was this nice (though closed) question deleted?

Today, someone asked Why do we need both Priority and Severity? (10k link) which is clearly on-topic being about software development concepts and all that, but was soon closed as primarily opinion ...
amon's user avatar
  • 135k
4 votes
1 answer

Does deleting a closed question remove a question ban?

I asked a question recently which was closed as being too broad. I disagreed with the reasoning, but I understand the position that programmers.SE moderators took on it and I want to ask questions ...
AmadeusDrZaius's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to tell when to downvote for the roomba instead of wasting a delete vote

We have a lot of bad questions to clean up, and not very many delete votes to do it with. So it's commonplace to downvote questions worthy of deletion to make the "roomba" delete them for us rather ...
Ixrec's user avatar
  • 27.7k
0 votes
0 answers

**Ok, so where do we ask subjective questions now? [duplicate]

I just came here to Programmers Stack Exchange to ask a question for recommendations for resources to learn a particular topic (in this case, natural language processing), and I just noticed that a ...
Kaypro II's user avatar
  • 386
7 votes
2 answers

Locked questions cleanup

@MichaelT and I were discussing the purpose of locked questions last night in chat. He brought up this post from Meta.SE: What is a historical lock, and what is it used for? When is it appropriate to ...
durron597's user avatar
  • 7,610
2 votes
1 answer

Possible Duplicate returns 404

The question is marked as a duplicate, however the duplicate link returns 404. What is the appropriate action going forward here? Should ...
Ryan Gates's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Where is my question?

Yesterday I asked a question at about RESTful (or not really RESTful) APIs. In my opinion it was quite a good question and I spend some time editing it. Of course, no one ...
pkalinow's user avatar
  • 689
2 votes
1 answer

I have copied these question to Stackoverflow. Now I want delete the ones here

After recieving good answers to this question I have realised that some of my questions here are too language-specific to recieve the attention I want on here on "programmers". I decided to copy them ...
wefwefa3's user avatar
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Deleted question as a known good audit in close vote review?

Hitting the close vote reviews, I came across this one. I'm really not sure what the proper action on it is. It's been deleted. I'm not sure if I should leave it open (it's deleted), close it (...
user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What happened to: "What benefits are there to native JavaScript development?"?

I was reading this question and answer this morning and I noticed it disappeared now and I get an error page with "removed for reasons of moderation" What happened to the question and why? I recall ...
Benjamin Gruenbaum's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Why is my account blocked from asking new questions when I've asked just one question with 0 downvotes?

My account has been blocked from asking new questions. Only 1 question asked (0 downvotes). Whats up? Why? Can I unblock this?
Robin Rodricks's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What roomba script went after this question

Feeds has been sharing it's tequila with Community More Accurate Random in C [closed] was deleted by Community. (Full size image at ) I am curious as to what ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Undelete particular question

Can some of the moderators revive (undelete) this question (my own) and it's answers? I was more than sure that it is completely useless and voted to close or delete it. But, other users suggests in ...
trejder's user avatar
  • 2,406
-3 votes
1 answer

This question will get auto deleted - is it a winning choice?

My belief is that if a question is really too broad, too bad, too much opinionable. The fact will prove it in a very short time. The following question however had already got many interesting ...
Revious's user avatar
  • 157
5 votes
7 answers

If I was a homework cheater, [duplicate]

...if I was a homework cheater, I would applaud an approach like that... I'm for deletion if not improved in a reasonable timeframe. But minutes after closure is, I think, too speedy. I tend to give ...
gnat's user avatar
  • 20.8k
2 votes
1 answer

Dupe of deleted question

This question is marked as a dupe of a deleted question. Please unmark it as dupe, or resurrect the deleted question.
ashes999's user avatar
  • 1,129
6 votes
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How long do I have access to deleted posts?

The following post has been deleted and I still want to refer to the information (it is in my favorites) How long will I be able to see this post until it is permanently purged?
makerofthings7's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Curious delete vote

I saw a delete vote on a rather highly voted question Is it OK to split long functions and methods into smaller ones even though they won't be called by anything else?. And yes, I do have the top ...
user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Why the top question was removed?

The question what-should-every-programmer-know-about-web-development was removed (google web cache version here) with the following reason: This question was removed from Programmers Stack Exchange ...
Bruno Polaco's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to "revive" deleted post?

I would like to know if it's possible to bring back to life a post of mine (a question) which I deleted? If so - would the reputation I gained from it be restored?
Avi's user avatar
  • 516
4 votes
2 answers

Delete or preserve this question and answers about obscure sorting algorithms?

In my opinion this question should be preserved even though it is bad, because it has nice answers worthy of preserving. To pick one example, I personally found idea of sleep sort to be rather ...
hyde's user avatar
  • 3,754
3 votes
2 answers

Answer with a link to deleted question

This answer : points to this question :
BЈовић's user avatar
  • 14.1k
8 votes
1 answer

Search brings up deleted questions in results

Couple of days ago I started noticing deleted questions appearing in search results. At first I thought it was mod vision (moderators can search for deleted posts) but today when I happened to search ...
yannis's user avatar
  • 39.6k
6 votes
1 answer

What to do when the question is deleted by the owner while it was answered?

After spending a large amount of time answering a question, I notice that the author deleted the question after obtaining the answer. Is it an expected behavior? I believed that we can remove a ...
Arseni Mourzenko's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

When should a question be closed, but not deleted?

I asked this question a while back. Today I was awarded the 1000 views badge. I looked at the question and noticed a delete vote. I understand that a question like this isn't really suited for stack ...
Earlz's user avatar
  • 23k
50 votes
5 answers

Are you guys turning P.SE into a 404 black hole?

I have been hitting quite a few 404's on P.SE lately. I was wondering how great the idea of perma deleting questions that have been around a long time and indexed and linked to (not spam or such) ...
Martin Ba's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Questions removed months later

I just noticed that two questions I asked at the beginning of last year were then removed 6-7 months later. Is there any chance I can get a heads-up as to why? This one may have been too subjective, ...
Stafford Williams's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to retrieve an answer to a deleted question?

A couple years ago, I wrote an answer to a question that appears to have been deleted. I was just thinking that I wanted to write a blog post based on that answer, and I'd rather not have to rewrite ...
Adam Crossland's user avatar
-9 votes
2 answers

Issues of possible innovation via new programming languages, removal=censorship? [closed]

If someone raises new ideas of innovation , to improve usability or productivity, especially in a category of programming languages where it is pretty badly needed (and problems haven't been solved ...
Robert's user avatar
  • 65
-6 votes
1 answer

"Full Time Employee versus Contract Work?" on SO should have been migrated here instead of deleted

I've been a long time SO and stack user in general. I'm REALLY disappointed that Full Time Employee versus Contract Work? on SO was deleted instead of migrated to Programmers. I don't care about the ...
darron's user avatar
  • 261
9 votes
5 answers

Delete some questions instead of just closing them

There are the FAQ's, plenty of closed questions (heads on top of spears), and comments about what types of questions are appropriate, but since so many questions of the same type are closed, should ...
JeffO's user avatar
  • 36.8k
3 votes
3 answers

Why was "What popular best practices are not always best and why" deleted?

My understanding of the policy is that questions that are too subjective should be closed but not deleted, because they might still contain useful information for people. So why was this question ...
BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft's user avatar