I asked https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/440554 and defined what I though were objective criteria, and hoped to leverage the site's expertise in a software engineering topic (I certainly couldn't find it myself online) - I expected users here might be familiar with studies into the ease of use of programming languages. I also looked in the help center's on-topic section and recommendations for scholarly papers might be considered off topic, but I'm not looking for casual recommendations but conclusive results.
I looked for similar questions anyway, for example questions about studies and noticed some closed and some still open. Even the closed ones seem to often get good answers, so perhaps it was just a case of making sure I didn't fall foul of these issues: https://softwareengineering.meta.stackexchange.com/a/6487/42685
It wasn't one of these:
Recommend tools, libraries, programming languages, resources (including books, blogs, tutorials, and examples), or projects to undertake
It wasn't a
book review or suggestion
It's not:
Asking for a link to something or statistics
Because a good answer would be helping to unpack and explain the study, and why it was/wasn't conclusive. You need software engineering expertise for that.
Which leads me onto:
- No actual problem to solve
- Not drawing from expert knowledge of the community
- Will suffer from link rot or become out of date
However, I stated my problem, I need expert know to both find and explain any potential study, and as most journals don't go out of print and destroy their archives, it seems unlikely to suffer link rot. A properly answered question can cite the paper and summarise it, meaning there's no concern of transient external sources (say if the paper is, or becomes stuck behind a paywall).
Is there a place where I can ask such questions?
This section only send to deal with Software Recommendations, which this definitely isn't.
I've also seen posts of this sort answered with "ask in chat", but I already lined before posting, and to paraphrase Pulp Fiction:
Chat's dead Duga, chat's dead.
After my question got closed, I hoped to find out in the comments why and ask for advice on making form slightly off topic, to being on-topic - perhaps my earnest question could be improved.
But it looks like anything that even looks like a recommendation is considered blatantly off-topic, and the status quo is to delete first, allow asking these questions never.
Perhaps the overzealous deletion is why I didn't see as many similar questions as I'd hoped.
So was my question really so blatantly off-topic, or can the community leverage it's expertise and knowledge and answer it?