What you were asking for is a topic where a useful answer could fill a whole book. Such questions are usually considered as too broad for the Q&A format of this site. Note that facial recognition is still a topic of scientific research.
You argued it is not too broad, since you only want to know how much work is involved. However, that is nothing strangers on the internet can tell you, because we do not know you, your background, what exactly the features are you imagine for your program, or the quality of the facial regcognition you expect. Each of these details can easily make a difference factor of 20 or more in the resulting effort. So even if your question would not have been closed as "too broad", it should have been closed as "primarily opionated".
Moreover, it is not "illegal" to talk about technology here. Almost any question on this site has a specific technological context. However, we do not give any technology or library or tool recommendations, and questions asking for such a recommendation are typically closed quickly by the community, too.
See also: Why was my question closed or down voted?