This post is a supplement to the Help Center Article of the same name. That article, in a nutshell, describes questions that are either too broad, too opinionated, or too discussion-oriented to make good questions.
This article describes the specific categories of questions that you should avoid asking. Where can you ask them instead? Try The Whiteboard, if you have 20 reputation or more.
Coding help
If you need help writing or troubleshooting code (or using the tools), ask your question on Stack Overflow, not here. Read "What topics can I ask about" before you ask your question there.
Review my design
We don't review entire software designs; that's a discussion, not a question. If you have a specific question about your software design, ask that.
What is the name of this thing?
Questions that ask us to name things or provide word definitions are just requests for search engine help, which we don't provide here.
Which way is best?
The way that best satisfies your software's requirements.
Because you already understand the detailed specifications for your software project, you are in the best position to answer the question "Which way best meets my functional and non-functional software requirements?"
If you can clearly define what "best" means to you specifically without simply restating "best," then your question might be suitable for asking here. Otherwise, you're just trotting after a herd.
Convince my boss/coworker
We're not here to help you win your argument.
Customer service
If you have a question about how a company or organization's product is licensed, priced, serviced, released, etc., ask the company.
Legal Advice or Licensing
Ask a lawyer, or one of our sister sites like Law or Open Source.
Where do I find...?
We don't help people find things here. We don't know where you can find that highly obscure paper/product/whatever. You have access to the same tool we do, which is Google.
What do you recommend?
We don't make product, service or technology recommendations of any kind. Try here or here, but read their Help Center first.
What should I learn?
We don't know that. We can't predict the future, and your personal circumstances are too specific to make a good question that can benefit everyone.
Is [technology] popular/dead?
We don't know that either. Even if we did, any answer we provide would become useless a week from now.
Programmers is a Software Design site. If you're not asking a specific question about Software Design, you're probably in the wrong place.
Plenty of what's on topic isn't design. Requirements aren't design (but they are related, at least). Quality assurance and testing aren't design (but again, somewhat related). Development methodologies and processes aren't design. Configuration management and engineering or project management aren't design, either. Saying that Programmers is about software design is easy, but it's very incomplete.