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Questions tagged [syntax-highlighting]

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Enable automatic syntax highlighting for [haskell]

I just approved this suggested edit adding syntax highlighting to Haskell code in an answer. That would not be necessary if the haskell tag had automatic syntax highlighting; ♦ moderators can change ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Enable automatic syntax highlighting for Swift

The question What design pattern would help me make my factory more generic is tagged swift-language but syntax highlighting is not applied to the code block. Can one of the ♦ moderators please ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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Code Tag Association to Syntax Highlighting Request: [f#] -> lang-ml

To follow Stack Overflow convention I suggest to associate f# to lang-ml syntax highlighting.
Grzegorz Sławecki's user avatar
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Why is syntax highlighting missing from my recent answers unless I specify the language?

For a few days (weeks?), I don't have syntax highlighting any longer for C# code I'm writing, unless I add: <!-- language: c# --> before the piece of code. Here's the example of code which ...
Arseni Mourzenko's user avatar
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XML syntax highlighting not working despite explicit tagging

I recently posted a question: Supporting and testing multiple versions of a software library in a Maven project in which I included some XML code samples. I tagged the samples as XML code: <!-- ...
Duncan Jones's user avatar
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Why isn't syntax highlighting for C++ working?

Does Programmers Stack Exchange site support syntax-highlighting for C++? The reason I ask is that the code in my question isn't highlighted in Firefox 8.
A T's user avatar
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