While we continue our work on cleaning up the career and jobs tags, I thought I'd bring up the next tag clean-up project: killing the catch-all tags that could be applied to every question on the site.
Looking through the first two pages of tags, these include:
- programming-languages (710 questions)
- learning (633 questions)
- software-development (335 questions)
- programming-practices (222 questions)
- recommendations (129 questions)
- advice (113 questions)
- software-engineering (96 questions)
The reason I'm bringing these up now instead of waiting for the first project to complete is that I believe we can exercise the first option—presented earlier for the career and jobs tags—on these tags: nuke them from orbit.
That is, these tags can be applied to every single question on the site. Disambiguating these tags would entail replacing them with anything else, not simply a set of pre-defined disambiguation targets. With these tags, we're no better off if they're untagged or left tagged: they tell us nothing about the content of the question.
So what do you think? Is this a good idea, or is there a better way to approach killing these tags? Are there tags that should be on the list but aren't? Is there a serious case to be made for taking tags off this list?
Earlier discussions:
tags are down to a bunch of closed questions that I don't want to bump by editing for tags. You might want to have a look and see which questions are worth keeping and just delete the rest.