I was burnt a few times when asked a question on a wrong SE site, so could I get a confirmation that the following question will be on-topic on this site?
How do I approach testing an instance of an Azure Logic App?
As far as I understand, I can write integration/end-to-end tests, and probably won't be able to write unit tests for the lack of a local execution environment and good targets for unit testing specifically. Things are complicated by the fact that Azure Logic App is expressed in JSON (as opposed to directly executable Node.js/Go/Python/... code as in AWS Lambda or other "serverless" solutions).
If I can only end-to-end test, it will surely make my development cycle much much longer compared to developing "regular" software. I hate this a lot because this will affect the planning & delivery schedule, developer efficiency, solution quality, and customer satisfaction. It is very hard for me to imagine effective counter-measures that will soften the negative effects of long development cycle and absence of low level tests.
IMO, the question is on-topic for this site. Am I right or wrong?
The Help Center says in "Asking":
If you have a question about...
- software development methods and practices
- ...
- quality assurance and testing
- ...
...then you're probably in the right place to ask your question.
software development methods and practices
. So, if not the site, what would be the better place to look for the answer? Just search in Google? (I see how this broad question may invalidate answers over time).