I am curious, why not combine this site into Stack Overflow?
Add a meta-tag so it's clear about discussion and it's an open topic for general questions not directly code problem related.
The benefit, keeping things more central, more people would view it, so more responsiveness.
It might be a bit strange to combine them for some but i got the feeling that Stack Overflow almost becomes pathetic if the questions are not like
help needed for function f(x) a + b = ...
help needed for error ccc
I know some hardcore programmers rather not tend to handle open problems, and like to see the world as a closed problem (Stack Overflow is like that), but in reality it's often a mix and there is some chatting around a lot of questions.
Amazingly as soon as I posted I got a -1 reward.. it makes me laugh because I had not done enough research.. even here the systems are becoming to automated, and people rate things as they are in their own minds view..
The point is I did a feature request, to improve this site.. or rather the group umbrella of sites under Stack Exchange. To become a bit more like the Arduino forums, or Reddit C# an active friendly userbase open to anyone who like to discuss.
But already this is a denied feature request (without really voting or so).
and people rate things as they are in their own minds view
Hm, that's exactly what voting on Meta means...