I am a "Electronics and Communication Engineer" turned Software Engineer, that's how would I describe myself :) . Since the beginning of my career, I am a self taught developer. I initially started my career with databases which I loved then and even now :) , I just like the way they work. After all these years; now my main focus is on c#, polymorphism, design patterns, Unit Testing, TDD. I am poised to introduce Automated Unit Testing in my current organization. Currently I have started using Dependency Injection in my code, since then my life has become happier.
When I am not working: I watch movies, TV, and of course Games. In my childhood I used to draw cartoons, nowadays I am reading books, looks like as You grow Your hobbies change :)
I guess I should be writing an autobiography.
× 2Sep 6, 2020
AutobiographerSep 24, 2014
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