Follow-Up 2: New Site Name and Scope Proposals
I think that this would be good. "Programmers" has always confused me. "Software engineering" is much clearer.
Follow-Up 3: New Site Name and Help Center Discussions
When I read this post, my initial thought was, "If I upvote this, will it be interpreted as either (a) 'I approve this on-topic list' or (b) 'I approve further discussions of details'." And honestly, ...
Follow-Up: New Site Name and Scope Proposals
I Love It
In short, our scope does in fact have a few small edge cases that are well established but relatively uncommon (Eg. software license questions from the perspective of a software engineer, ...
- 26.5k
Follow-Up 2: New Site Name and Scope Proposals
I like Software Engineering as a title over Programmers.
However, I'm not really ok with tagline containing only a reference to 60's-era-introduced, waterfall-type methodology, and also in particular,...
Follow-Up 2: New Site Name and Scope Proposals
This proposed tagline and pictorial representation miss the mark in conveying the (current/new) site scope and the new name, "Software Engineering."
While I agree that the site scope should include ...
Follow-Up: New Site Name and Scope Proposals
I can (and do) certainly back this solution.
I particularly like the idea of getting the site scope over in as few words as possible so that we actually stand a chance of getting people to read them.
- 38.9k
Follow-Up 2: New Site Name and Scope Proposals
(summary of July 29th discussion at Whiteboard)
At help/on-topic page...
...bullets in about list look OK to keep as is:
software requirements
software architecture and design
algorithm ...
Follow-Up: New Site Name and Scope Proposals
Overall, I like it. The name is 100% spot-on. I think the scope statement is 90% there. I don't like dropping the two topics that are on-topic.
I think the most important thing is the site name (and, ...
Thomas OwensMod
- 83.7k
Follow-Up 3: New Site Name and Help Center Discussions
Just one thing here:
development methods and practices
requirements, architecture, and design
quality assurance and testing
configuration, build and release management
Isn't testing a development ...
Follow-Up: New Site Name and Scope Proposals
The goal of the participants on Programmers has always been the same: to have a high-quality Q&A. I think we all agree on what that means; we want to attract professionals to the site, help ...
Follow-Up 2: New Site Name and Scope Proposals
Has there been any thought given to the "overlapping" sites?
I mean that we will still get some questions that are off-topic and better answered on other sites. Eg Workplace and possibly DBA, ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
Related Tags
site-definition × 18discussion × 16
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support × 2
low-quality-posts × 2
bad-questions × 2
status-completed × 1
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stackoverflow × 1
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community × 1
software-engineering × 1