I would like to ask why [this question][1] was down-voted and closed. This came completely unexpected since it is a very specific and precise question regarding Haskell and how to force evaluation of an expression. There are tons of similar questions on programmers. **EDIT 1** As far as I understand, a few question have been cleaned up (and possibly moved to stack overflow) in the last few days and this question was too old to be moved. I admit I was a bit confused about which questions belong on stack overflow and which belong on programmers because I have seen quite a number of more technical questions on programmers (e.g., if I am not mistaken, [this][2], and [this][3]) that IMO are a bit on the borderline. However, I have seen that some of these questions have been moved to stack overflow so it is a bit clearer now. Still, I would find it better if it was possible to move also old questions: the question had already an accepted answer. **EDIT 2** I have posted a [**copy**][4] of the question and answer on stack overflow, as discussed with the moderators. [1]: http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/160580/how-to-force-evaluation-in-haskell [2]: http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/181384/how-does-django-turn-field-name-strings-to-field-name-variables [3]: http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/181224/constants-in-c [4]: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14163072/how-to-force-evaluation-in-haskell/14163112#14163112