Because this is not a "subjective site." Programmers.SE's purpose is to handle questions of interest to programmers which are not directly related to coding (Stack Overflow is about *coding*, explicitly). Those questions will *tend* to be more subjective than the topics on Stack Overflow, so we set up some guidelines for asking subjective questions which fall within the scope of good Q&A: [Good Subjective, Bad Subjective](

If questions cannot fit within the "Guidelines for Great Subjective Questions," they need to be closed.

> What's the point of a subjective site...

Yeah, that's the crux of the issue. **There is no point** to a subjective site. "Subjective" is not a topic. You don't major in *subjective*. You cannot become an expert at *subjective*.

This [has been covered]( extensively. If folks really want to hang out at a site which hosts [fairly stupid water-cooler nonsense](, Stack Exchange simply is not the best venue. You'd be much better off setting up a phpBB forum somewhere.