Questions tagged [etiquette]

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5 votes
3 answers

How okay is it to rehash and repost an old question without referring the source?

I noticed this in a question from today: I remember there was another question on this site regarding this, but it was less focused, and the answers haven't satisfied me The question was ...
gnat's user avatar
  • 21.2k
1 vote
3 answers

Coping with Community Decision to Upvote Rude Comments

I opened this Meta question in response to a P.SE question that was locked. I believe that I laid out a dispassionate and objective argument that the whole rollback/edit history/locking issue was not ...
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3 votes
1 answer

Resource questions - automatic close?

Book (or resource) on Java bytecode was recently asked. I voted to close immediately, without really reading (or understanding) much of of the question. Should questions that request resources get ...
Oded's user avatar
  • 53.6k
13 votes
6 answers

Summer of Love and questions that the FAQ says should not be asked

Recently Does C# give you “less rope to hang yourself” than C++? was asked - I thought the question was too wide in scope, voted to close and commented as such: From the FAQ: Your questions should ...
Oded's user avatar
  • 53.6k
34 votes
6 answers

Programmers.SE and the Summer of Love

Programmers.SE, we need to talk. We've had a rough couple of years, what with being originally a place to ask anything and everything and having to shape up. I get that it's annoying to still see off-...
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19 votes
5 answers

What Are Some Examples of Good "Guiding Comments" to Leave Users To Help Understand The Site?

From Chris F's Meta Post: You can help out. If you see a question or answer that doesn't meet our community standards, use a (polite!) comment to ask the author to fix it, or be bold and edit it ...
jmort253's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Is it appropriate to answer a question and vote to close it at the same time?

I find myself in situations when a question isn't appropriate but I know there's nowhere else for it to go, so I'm compelled to close it and yet at the same time I want to help the poster out. Other ...
Adam Lear's user avatar
  • 32k
6 votes
4 answers

What's the etiquette for repeat answers?

Just wondering but I've seen it happen a number of times, but when answers get blatantly obvious duplicate/repeat answers from multiple people. Now, I normally just upvote the first person if the ...
Steven Evers's user avatar
  • 28.2k