Linked Questions

132 votes
10 answers

New Site Name and Scope Proposals

From Ana, a Stack Exchange Community Manager in the previous question about changing the site name: It took us a good while, but the Community Team has circled up and here's where we stand on your ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 84.2k
135 votes
6 answers

It's official! Programmers is now Software Engineering Stack Exchange

Awww yeah. WOoooooooOOOOoooOOOOOoooT! PARTY TIME. Check out that domain name and logo! Thanks Stack Exchange :-) If you see any problems anywhere, please leave an answer to this question so we can ...
enderland's user avatar
  • 12.1k
14 votes
8 answers

3 votes for closing/reopening experiment: the results

I'm sure you remember this experiment, which changed the required number of close/reopen votes from 5 to 3. Before getting to the meat of the analysis, I should point out that the change worked almost ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
45 votes
4 answers

I'm not a software engineer, right?

So is going to become This means I still can't ask the burning questions about proper potted plants for programmers.... AND THAT IS OK BY ME But, I do have ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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47 votes
3 answers

What is the history behind the site scope change from NPR to "conceptual questions about software development"?

How did the topic of this site to change from "Not-Programming-Related" to "conceptual questions about software development"? I've tried looking through meta questions to find where the change in ...
Rachel's user avatar
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23 votes
7 answers

Great Expectations... or, at least, user expectations

Well I just saw a second Meta question expressing strong ill-will for this site after first witnessing this, seemingly well-trodden, battlefield. Given that I am already weary of it, I can only assume ...
user avatar
33 votes
7 answers

Change the name of Programmers to something that more accurately reflects the site scope? [duplicate]

This is a follow-up to the discussion on renaming the site to match its FAQ, or changing the FAQ to match the site name. That discussion is one of the highest voted questions on here, so this ...
Rachel's user avatar
  • 24k
24 votes
8 answers

How to improve our style for reacting on "low quality questions"?

The last week we had seen (again) some discussions here what is "wrong" with this site, why are here so many closed and downvoted questions and why people are interpreting this as "hostility" and "...
Doc Brown's user avatar
  • 214k
17 votes
9 answers

So many bad questions

At the time I am writing this, 7 out of 15 questions in the first page have negative score. That's almost a half. Second page has 4 out of 15, and the third page has 6 out of 15. I never counted them ...
Sejanus's user avatar
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32 votes
5 answers

Follow-Up: New Site Name and Scope Proposals

I've been pondering these proposed changes to the site's name and scope for the past few weeks. This was, you'll recall, instigated by Ana's response to Rachel's proposal for a new name for this site.....
Shog9's user avatar
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31 votes
4 answers

Why are there so many closed, on hold, and down voted questions here?

Compared to Stack Overflow, the number of questions which are down-voted, put on hold, or closed is astounding. I think it's a sign that the criteria (and possibly usefulness) of this site is poorly ...
Sam Goldberg's user avatar
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56 votes
1 answer

What is this "Software Engineering" site you speak of, and what kinds of questions can I ask there?

Programmers has changed its name. Why has this name change occurred? Has anything else changed? What kinds of questions will I be able to ask, now that the name has changed?
Robert Harvey's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

The CV experiment has officially failed...but what are we supposed to do about it?

It should come as a surprise to no one that I am disappointed about the 3 close vote experiment being deemed a failure by the powers that be. Whether or not we did "fail" (and what that even means) is ...
Ixrec's user avatar
  • 27.7k
8 votes
3 answers

Programmers SE has become a site to avoid

As weird as the scope for this site is, I try to follow it with the occasional question I ask here. I'm also generally a positive person. But again and again i come here and get a negative response. ...
J.Todd's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

On a name for the site and the questions asked

An often reoccurring idea that is mentioned is that maybe, if the site name was changed from "Programmers" to something else (SoftwareEngineering?) then maybe, people would stop asking off topic, too ...
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