Yesterday i've asked a question that wasn't received badly. In total it has received +1 vote. I'm trying to start a new question but i can't. Instead of the question form the following text appears:
You have reached your question limit It looks like you might need a break - take a breather and come back soon!
You've asked 4 questions recently, some of which have not been received very well by the community.
I did not ask 4 questions recently. I may have asked 3 questions in the past (which are all deleted apparently) but that must have been a very long time ago. I do not want to wait 3 days just because i've asked some bad questions a year or so ago. I am not a novice stack exchange user either. I've got 4866 points on stack overflow so i know how to make a good question. Could someone please remove this limitation from my account?
Thank you