I'm working on refactoring some legacy c++ code. I ran into a problem moving from a linked-list to using a vector. Even though it seems straight forward (list is created once, and looped through many times), the conversion is proving anything but straight forward. I made the mistake of thinking it was a SW-engineering question, and was rewarded -4 on my rep while being told to post it somewhere else. Unfortunately, I don't see a good fit anywhere else.
So where would one post such a question. It would seem that "programming.stackexchange.com" would be a valid place, but that mistakenly redirects to softwareengineering.stackexchange.com -- where programming questions are dissuaded.
So where should one post such a question?
At the very least, it seems akin to "entrapment" for programming to redirect to SWeng, if programming questions are out-of-place. Why would someone setup programming questions to be redirected to a forum where they will only get marked down and be judged as not appropriate?