I posted the question https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/330802/what-are-the-best-vba-libraries-and-tools which, I learned violated the site rules:
Questions asking us to find or recommend tools, libraries, programming languages, resources (including books, blogs, tutorials, and examples), or projects to undertake are off-topic on Programmers as they attract opinionated answers that won't have lasting value to others. You may be able to get help in The Whiteboard, our chat room.
I understand why questions that ask for recommended tools could lead to opinionated answers that won't have lasting value to others.
But in 2016 most VBA resources online are from a different era and often point to broken links. Clearly this question could have lasting value to others: someone puts "best VBA tools" into their search engine, it pops up and just by clicking on my question they can already learn about a very useful tool called Rubber Duck, that they may not have found otherwise.
The answers might be opinionated/spam, but that can be addressed by the up/downvote buttons, or by flagging them.
Again, I'm not saying that this is a bad rule in general, just asking why discretion can't be exercised for this particular question I asked.