This is a follow up to BartMan's question, which is now locked. We shouldn't be dismissive of the over-moderation concerns of potential new users. You asked for 10 examples of inappropriately closed questions, so here they are, found by querying for closed questions I answered. Closed as opinion based, but actually has some interesting objective reasons.
What are the perks and drawbacks of using html templates versus building the html in-code Closed as too broad, after garnering four concise yet relatively thorough answers.
Segregating interfaces/concerns to a tree Ironically, given the penchant on this site for closing questions as too broad, this rather specific question was closed as a duplicate of a question that was only vaguely related. This question was closed as "education advice," which we used to define as "what school/degree program/course/certification should I personally enroll in" and lately seems to be broadly defined as "any question that mentions a university or degree or learning of any kind."
Giving team members more decision-making power led to very long arguments, blocking progress since there is no one with the final say This one admittedly might fit better on workplace, but has some very scrum-specific concerns, which makes it unique to our profession. At the very least, it should have been migrated instead of closed. Despite an intentionally provocative title, this question asks useful, thought-provoking questions and received three insightful and relatively objective answers. If you don't like the title, edit the title. This question illustrates a larger concern that entire questions are frequently being rejected due to one small easily-edited part of the question. Closed as opinion based, despite having concrete cultural and historical reasons behind the practice.
How do we go from assembly to machine code(code generation) Closed as "unclear what you're asking" despite having a short, clear answer. It seems like this close reason is often used to mean "I personally don't know the answer" or "I personally don't know how to explain this in a concise, easy to understand manner." Closed as "what language should I learn next," but the question is more detailed, more objective, and less personal than that. Also throws in the "education advice" reason, presumably because the question mentions the word "learning."
Debugging checklists: How much it's necessary to have? Closed as too broad, despite having a few good answers already. This "too broad" reason is way overused for a site that's supposedly about conceptual questions. If a concise conceptual answer can be given at the same abstraction level as the question, it's not too broad.
I could go on, and those are just the ones I personally got around to answering in the last month or so before they got closed. I used to occasionally address these kinds of closings individually with meta posts, but it has become overwhelming, and people now seem more interested in finding excuses to close a question rather than reasons to keep it open.
The problem is twofold. First, people have no incentive to be judicious with their close votes. Second, voting to close is easily done during normal use of the site while the questions are at the top of the page, whereas voting to reopen requires effort to go back and find appropriate questions that may no longer be visible on the front page.
The balance of moderation power is heavily tilted in favor of the closers. All the 10k+ users put together currently have enough votes to close every single new question on this site every day 10 times over, and that's not enough?! If that doesn't sound like over-zealous moderation, I don't know what does.
My proposed solution?
- Provide a notification to anyone capable of casting reopen votes (3000+ rep) when a question they upvoted or answered has been closed, or
- Allow some means of casting reopen votes before a question is closed, and
- Time out the downvoting and close voting privileges of people who vote to close a question that is later reopened.