The first of the FAQ is:
Programmers - Stack Exchange is for expert programmers who are interested in subjective discussions on software development
According to the FAQ it is about the actual development of software not programmers, there a lot of questions about programmers (eg
This is in complete contrast to the Area 51 proposal Not Programming Related (which is the proposal for this site) the tagline on Area 51 is
Beta Q&A site for expert programmers interested in discussions that are only indirectly related to programming.
Which is wider than the FAQ, also take this On topic question (13 votes):
Should I work for a company that makes you wear a suit?
It would be closed on this site under the current FAQ. I think people want a somewhat more open ended site, I've pretty new here to the site and programming but its the feeling I get from the people who actually use the site.
I'm asking for the site to be widened to allow more subjective questions that currently available. I think it as long as it related to programmers (and programming) it should be ok, no matter what the question is (pretty much like that anyway).
Alternatively rename the site to Programming as the FAQ says this site is about Programming only.
So either change the title or the FAQ (preferably the FAQ)