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Why am I getting “Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account”?
I post a question here a while ago when I was banned. Then somehow my ban was lifted. After that I have been answering questions for the most part. Today I felt the need to ask a question, and there is goes
Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See http://goo.gl/C1Kwu to learn more.
Before, I was skeptical of the ban process. I thought it has to do with moderators. I even asked a question about this on skeptics.SE site as well which was deleted. However the discussion there before my question was deleted convinced me that the ban is totally automatic and nothing to do with moderators. I just want to point out that the ban process is quite flawed in my opinion. Here are all my previous answers .
Any comments.
Edit: Adding my asked questions as well. I did go to reputation tab, show removed post and I do not see any deleted post there. But I know I had a couple of deleted questions that contributed to my banned in the first place months ago. Since then most of my activity is positive. In fact all of the activity you see here is after that ban. As general, you can see it is positive. My only old question that got -2 votes was https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/112336/creating-a-blog-for-software-changes which had +2 votes on it but is still not negative.
For a person like me, the reason one should be banned is if he spams, overposts, does not do research before asking. However that is not that case with my questions. Or may be I am too dumb to be a member of this site according to SE standards, which is good to know.