The last celebration proposal we had never got off of it's feet. In fact, the Birthday Celebration Proposal's time has come, and it left a long time ago. So a few other P.SE members and I came up with an idea: let's have a contest!
We realize that other sites that have had contests have had a lot of support, and the community didn't have to do too much of the dirty work. But that's the beauty of it. If we follow through with something like this, we will get more publicity and support from higher powers.
We have, somewhat, became the ugly little brother of Stack Overflow. We have had to rebuild, and clean up the mess from the early days of P.SE, before the revolution. A lot of other sites did too, but most are done. Mainly because they had SE backing them up. Or a CHAOS member.
That's why this contest will be great. We, as a community, will set the entire thing up, give it to SE, and let them serve it up. Overall, this is going to give us:
- A stronger community.
- More "power users".
- A fun activity.
- More executive support from SE
because they saw that we put it together ourselves.
If you agree with any of these ideas please upvote. If you disagree, please downvote.
If you have an idea, please post it as an answer to this question. Structure it in the same (or similar) format as I did. If you want to edit my idea, do the same.
And the winner is... Rachel!
We will implement this contest as soon as possible. Hope everybody has a little fun and we can help the whole community. Thanks to everyone who voted and submitted ideas!