there is something wrong with closed questions, here is a popular one why are so many programmers arrogant it has a lot answers and a lot views and it seems a valid question and was closed just for a few peoples. shouldn't the system of close votes be reformulated?
here is a question that got a close vote Mark Trapp user what-s-the-minimal-requeriment-for-a-code-be-considerated-an-ai-implementation
he says: by possible duplicate of (Covers same ground) Will we ever develop artificial intelligence?– Mark Trapp 2
insane.. there is nothing duplicated. So, it would be nice to lock valid questions for don't get close votes.
shouldn't you agree that valid questions would be locked for don't get close votes? I know it depends of the moderation and has no efficient way to moderators analyze question by question
but anyway what do you think should be done?