My question stemmed from happenings on this question.question.
There was one person that voted to close, that also answered the question. The same person also edited the question.
On other sites, at least, I've always felt that "if a question is good enough to answer, it's good enough to leave open." Sometimes I would edit and improve the question before answering it. But having done so, I wouldn't vote to close it.
If, on the other hand, I felt that the question was bad enough to vote to close, then I wouldn't dignify it with an answer. Is this the right posture, to discourage others from answering until the other four close votes are registered? (I don't have enough rep on this site to vote to close, so I flag moderators instead.) And is there a potential conflict of interest with answering a question, then voting to close, meaning that I can get "rep" for an answer, but deny the opportunity to others?
Finally, I wouldn't both edit and vote to close. Either my edit was good enough to salvage the question, or maybe it wasn't. But again, is there a conflict of interest if I did both?